SSWC: The Internet Plan
Posted on 12. Aug, 2009 by Tomas Wennström in Uncategorized
Been at Tjärö the whole day with Anna Oscarsson and Peter Rosdahl.
We spent a lot of time walking around in the terrain, both on the island and the main land, trying to figure out good locations for a high speed internet link to Sweden Social Web Camp. Here is a bambuser from one of the heights at the mainland that we climbed.
And here is the plan:
The problem we need to overcome are the heights that lies between the fiber and Tjärö. And the only way to do this is to set up a repeter station in the woods. The plan is to use a skylift (approx 30 meter) and a portable generator to get electricity for the link. And we need to get permission from the landowner. I have a few calls to do tomorrow…
What if we don’t succeed? We will have at least 2 mbit ADSL. And a rather sketchy mobile broadband. But hey, it’s a camp.
12. Aug, 2009
Nice ending of the movie! Seems somewhat familiar with The Blair Witch Project. I’m looking forward to the next movie clip in the sequel of “Thomas lost on the heights”…
forget 4P
12. Aug, 2009
Great movie! I think we’re many who want an full story clip board 🙂 Sunny side up!
13. Aug, 2009
Skylift?! Can do nothing but adore the ambition 🙂
Kristin Heinonen
13. Aug, 2009
I wish I would’ve taken a picture when Tomas came home with twigs in his hair. Who said you can’t combine tech interest with hiking? 🙂